Regulations of the Institute of NANO Testing (INANOT)

Regulations of the Institute of NANO Testing(INANOT)

NOTE: The Japanese version of the articles is the original, and this English translation is for informative purpose only.

Article 1 (Name)

The Institute shall be named as the Institute of NANO Testing(INANOT).

Article 2 (Office)

The office of the Institute shall be located as follows. Intelligent Integrated Systems, Department of Information Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University. 1-5 Yamada-Oka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, JAPAN

Article 3 (Purpose)

The purpose of this Institute is to contribute to the development and spread of nano-testing technology through holding the "NANO Testing Symposium" for discussing solutions that improve the testing process of nano-scale devices and materials.

Article 4 (Activities)

The Institute shall conduct the following activities in order to accomplish the purpose in Article 3.

  1. Holding academic meetings including Annual Symposium, Research Meetings, etc.
  2. Publication of bulletins, English journals, other scientific journals, and academic literature
  3. Exchange and cooperation with other societies in related fields
  4. Activities including education, human resources development, and social cooperation relating to related fields
  5. Other activities necessary to accomplish the purpose of the Institute

Article 5 (Members)

The Institute shall be comprised of the following members.

  1. Regular and student members - Individuals who attend "NANO Testing Symposium" for the past four years including the current year.
  2. Supporting members - Individuals or organizations that support the purpose of the Institute and assist in its activities
  3. Any other individuals deemed necessary by the Planning and Steering Committee

Article 6 (Supporting Members)

The Institute seeks companies, organizations, and individuals who agree with the purpose of the Institute and support the operation of the Institute. With the approval of the Planning and Steering Committee, companies, organizations, and individuals who have applied will become supporting members. From the supporting members, the supporting member annual membership fee of the amount determined separately will be collected.

Article 7 (Regular & Student Members fee)

In order to achieve the objectives of the Institute in Article 3, the Institute collects separately determined participation fees from the participants of the "Nano Testing Symposium" in the relevant fiscal year, and appropriates the fees to the Institute's membership fees. Membership of the Association is valid for four years, including the year in which the member participated. However, if you participate in the "Nano-Testing Symposium" to be held from the next fiscal year onwards, the participation fee will be collected each time.

Article 8 (Planning and Steering Committee)

A Planning and Steering Committee will be established in the Institute to carry out the following duties.

  • Planning and steering of "NANO Testing Symposium"
  • Budget and settlement approval
  • Election of president
  • Approval of Planning and Steering Committee member
  • Approval of supporting members and other members
  • Amendments to Terms
  • Decide other matters necessary for achieving the purpose of the Institute

Article 9 (Officers)

The Committee shall have the following officers.

  1. One president
    • The president represents the institute and presides over the institute.
    • The president also serves as chair of the Planning and Steering Committee.
    • The president is elected by a majority of those present at the Planning and Steering committee meeting.
    • The president appoints the planning and Steering committee members.
  2. One chairman of the Planning and Steering committee
    • The Planning and Steering Committee Chair represents the Planning and Steering Committee and presides over the Planning and Steering Committee.
    • The president also serves as chair of the Planning and Steering committee.
  3. Number of the Planning and Steering committee members: about 10 people
    • Persons who satisfy the appointment conditions deemed necessary by the President shall be candidates for the Planning and Steering Committee, and the President shall appoint a candidate to the Committee member with the approval of two-thirds or more of the members of the Planning and Steering Committee.

Article 10 (Secretariat)

The Institute shall establish a secretariat to carry out the administrative work of the Institute.

Supplementary provisions

• Enacted and enforced on June 11, 2006

• Revised on July 30, 2010: Officers - Planning and Steering Committee

• Revised on January 1, 2013: Change in the name of the Institute